Thanks Bluesdigital customers!

I entered into 2024 wanting to give Bluesdigital some love. It has taken care of me and my family over the last 18 years, and maybe I’m not always as appreciative of that as I could be – especially in tax season 🙂

What is any company without its customers and clients? Not a lot! So, I thought Bluesdigital’s opening hours change would be a good excuse to catch up with you all.

I can’t believe I haven’t done it earlier because the response has been excellent! I have so enjoyed hearing back from you guys. With some of you, it has been years!

I’m still sending out texts and emails, so if you haven’t heard from me, your message will be on its way.
If there’s anyone whose contact details have been lost or are outdated, if you just popped in one day, please pop in again and say ‘hello’!

Thank you Bluesdigital customers, you are the best!!!